Wednesday, December 29, 2010

"A long December" - final thoughts to a unique year...

# "Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road... Time grabs you by the wrist, directs you where to go... # - Green Day

To paraphrase an old sitcom here in the UK, “It’s been a funny old year…” because, looking back, the 12 months that made up 2010, for me, marked a period of my life that I just couldn’t have predicted this time, back in 2009. Of course, I’d like to be able to say that this is because I’d finally found a literary agent for my writing (a process I began late in 2009) – but that particular “Road” rumbles ever onward on my horizon… Still, though, it’s been a bit of a life-changing year, what with being made redundant from my long-standing job of around a decade and (thankfully) finding new employment which I’m very happy to be in, rather than just settling for the first thing that came along… But I can’t indulge in too much reflection here – partly because that’s the job for my first post of the new year in 2011 but also because in general, I tend to be a bit too reflective a person and one of my new year resolutions is definitely to look forward more, rather than back…

Another thing that’s clear to me, in regard to my creative scribbles, as the old year draws to a close is that the nature of this blog journal is changing… It’s always been evolving and going through "new-look makeovers", but 2010 has been a year in which I’ve been using my Twitter page a lot more – more or less every day and I’m just starting to find that as an all-round much more productive, effective and efficient way to put my “news” across – SO… from 2011, I know that I’m going to keep this blog journal more for general features (which I enjoy writing in length anyway!) on writing and continue to use Twitter for my day-to-day announcements and “breaking” news as they happen. That doesn’t mean I’m sidelining or demoting the blog at all – there’ll be plenty of “exclusives” on my emerging new stories right here, it’s just that the Twitter page is such a nice way to add “teasers” to my writing (as I always like to cryptically drop), being limited to 140 characters anyway, and hopefully generate more buzz for my scribbles, than I’ve been able to achieve thus far with my blog.

There as still some loose ends for me to tie up before I allow 2010 to escape my clutches – and the main one of which is to address the delayed release of my new short stories that I promised back at the beginning of the year:

The reason for this delay is that deep within the locked doors of C.G.Allan H.Q., plans are now afoot for the new year of 2011 to bring ALL of my short stories, old and new, to readers in “Amazing 3D!!!” - that’s about all I can say for now (see, I can still bring some exclusive news to this blog) and there’ll be more on this later (yes, admittedly, via my Twitter page!) so stay tuned here and there and be sure to have your trendy red-and-green glasses at the ready!

The other main thing I have to get back to talking about is “my History Mystery” which is a year later than I meant to get started on (but better late than never, right?) My main excuse is that during the course of 2010, the future took precedence over the past for my present as I chiselled away at my “Odyssey of Space” writing -BUT… fear not! For, in 2011, battle lines will be drawn once and for all on a new saga of mine – and the war is set to wage on for a number of years to come – I’ll be using BOTH my Twitter and blog to give hints and clues to just what this is all about and who the new characters I’m creating will be, but once history has run its course, all involved will never be the same again…

So I’ll close 2010 with not so much a “Merry Christmas” (although, of course, Happy Holidays, y’all!) but more with well wishes for a very happy New Year… as (more new news right here on the blog again, but perhaps for the last time…) I’m also signing off this short final post of the old year with the daydreams of two chucklesome penguins and a lonely rocketship – what could that possibly be about? Well, there’ll be more (hopefully) in 2011 from those new friends so stay tuned…

And if you haven't already done so, why not make it a new year's resolution to "Follow" me on Twitter to keep up to date with all my writing news! Just head over to my Official Writing Website and click on an object you could wear on your head to tell jokes (then sign into Twitter or create an account and click "Follow" on my page of Tweets!)


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