# "Honest is easy, fiction is where genius lies..." # - Guster
Ever since being around the age of seven and being bought Stratego for Christmas by my granddad, I've become obsessed with games of all kinds. From Othello to chess, Action Force to Crossbows & Catapults, to Monopoly and Scrabble, and even nowadays to the newer DVD interactive games, I really enjoy pitting my wits against others, even if I don't win half the time... When it comes to my writing, especially on the internet, I've blogged before about how I'm interested in fusing "games" with creative fiction, and have even made some small strides towards that this past year with my "Moon Crater Adventures" (which hasn't been forgotten about, I hasten to add - more exciting news on th
"Then, it begins…" (as Robin Hood may have once said) Considering this "puzzle game" has been the idea behind first creating my own Official Website about two years ago, all the way back in mid-2006 The Zip Code Challenge has been a long time coming. Apart from the fact that the domain name I chose, "Find the Missing Reel", relates to the narrative of my "Moon Crater" novel itself, I've always wanted my writing homepage to act as a puzzle and mystery in itself, and after alluding to the fact that I had finally figured out exactly what that main mystery was going to be midway through last year, and having talked about it at other points since becoming a blogger , I'm now ready to bring you this exciting experiment in fiction... (well, it is to me, anyway!)
The thing is, I've never been someone who's just simply
So, what else is The Zip Code about? Well, you can read all about it in the introduction through the Radio icon on my Official Homepage (the direct link for which is in big lettering below though!), but I can tell you that you’ll learn more of the mysterious “Institute” that I've hinted at from the story in the past. And to that end, I also hope you’ll like my co-guide for The Zip Code, the double agent D.I.A.N.A., er, sorry, I mean "Diana"... And what else? Well, you'll just have to wait and see, but watch out for puzzles in the form of not only numbers, but music, pictures, AND letters...
It's great (if a little frustrating) as a writer to see that you're definitely on the right track with your ideas and plotlines when others in the publishing world come up with similar notions... And some recent real life developments in the global publishing market for kids books does show me that my original brainwave from 2006 must have been a good one... To name just two such big-budget productions (remember, mine is being done on little or no budget whatsoever, so, please, be kind!) The Amanda Project and The 39 Clues definitely show me that I'm hopefully barking up the right future writing tree...In the opening of this post, I quoted some Guster lyrics, (an American band I’m becoming more and more enamored with as I hear more of their brilliant tunes) – well, another of their songs has the line “I am ready to dispose of... every secret code…” and with The Zip Challenge, I’m definitely ready to set every secret code I can think of for readers to solve, so get ready, it’s going to be a fun journey if you’re prepared to take up the challenge...
to begin YOUR code-cracking now
(Good luck in your mission solving
The Zip Code Challenge, Special Agents!)
The Zip Code Challenge, Special Agents!)
(Incidentally, as a sort of "starter for ten", if you’re eagle-eyed enough to decipher the mini-Boggle pic puzzle word string in the picture below, you’re well on the way to becoming a Special Agent of the Institute and should have fun solving The Zip Code challenges... (clue: the words string does NOT begin with the word “toes”!)
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