# I keep thinking, it'll be alright if I just get on the road... If I run, I can free my worried mind... # - Semisonic
It's been a hectic few months for my usually idle notebook, fingertips and keyboard and I'm glad to say that I missed out a post here on the blog in September for no small reason... I've been busying my scribble writing for the whole of 2012 so far and then things have intensified in September for me polishing off the next new draft of my first
novel (the third big draft so far in fact) You can see my next post in November for an in-depth analysis on all this but it's been a mammoth task...
It's been a hectic few months for my usually idle notebook, fingertips and keyboard and I'm glad to say that I missed out a post here on the blog in September for no small reason... I've been busying my scribble writing for the whole of 2012 so far and then things have intensified in September for me polishing off the next new draft of my first
novel (the third big draft so far in fact) You can see my next post in November for an in-depth analysis on all this but it's been a mammoth task...
But I wanted to take a short break from all that frenzied staring at my computer monitor to post about a couple of other things I've been up to recently which, while not directly writing-related, do help me to keep focused in my creative thoughts and always get my inventive juices flowing on the written page...