Thursday, May 15, 2008

The Flicks Files...

# "The only thing that ever made sense to me is the world that I saw from an American movie..." # - Everclear

Since I've mentioned before on this blog journal of mine how I love going to the cinema and I've stated on my Official Homepage just how influenced by filmic writing I am, I thought it was about time I wrote a feature post explaining more about just how much a fan of "the flicks" I really am...

My earliest memory of the sheer fun of film is going to the local cinema in our city at perhaps 5 years old and seeing Disney's Bambi on its re-release in the early 80s. The cinema in question was Odeon Paramount, Newcastle which was sadly closed back in 2002 and criminally still stands derelict to this day (rumoured to be on the "de-listing" schedule by the local government because they're stumped with what to do with it - duh, IMAX anyone?!). Looking back, going to this 5-screen cinema on countless Saturday mornings with my younger brother and ignoring the new multiplexes springing up in the 90s, it was the building, not the films that I probably became obsessed with...


Thursday, May 01, 2008

2nd Draft Essentials...

# "One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, ten! What about nine? Seven ate nine..." # - the Barenaked Ladies

It was about a year ago that I began the "Big Write-Up" of my proposed kids' adventure novel tentatively titled "Moon Crater" and began reporting on it here on the blog and through my Official Homepage, and it's really amazing to me to think how far I've been able to advance in that short time with the writing of it, but 2008 is perhaps where the hardest work is just beginning...
