# “Inspired by true events and movie screens, I am a one-man wrecking machine…” # - Guster
The grand plan: to finish the novel I've been working on for about 8 years over a period of 5 months! All of the planning, plotting and preparation is over, it's time to just get down and write the blighter! Hopefully along the way I’ll be able to pass on some tips for other first-time writers as I discover them myself! So with a working title of Moon Crater, this is my week-to-week experience of its creation to complete-draft stage... Chris G. Allan (May to Sept ‘07)
The grand plan: to finish the novel I've been working on for about 8 years over a period of 5 months! All of the planning, plotting and preparation is over, it's time to just get down and write the blighter! Hopefully along the way I’ll be able to pass on some tips for other first-time writers as I discover them myself! So with a working title of Moon Crater, this is my week-to-week experience of its creation to complete-draft stage... Chris G. Allan (May to Sept ‘07)

3 things that I've achieved this week with my writing:
* I’ve completed a potentially difficult twin chapter denouement...
* I’ve written the beginnings of a promised new sci-fi series...
* I’ve vowed to venture into the audio world with my future redrafts...
A sentence from the new "Moon Crater" chapter:
Jo looked from the slowly-closing door, back at Billy and said with a grin, “We’ll have to remember that tune in case it comes in handy in the future…”