These are exciting times despite having just come back to work after a long bank holiday weekend and recovering from a sore throat which caused me to almost lose my voice. Exciting times because I get married in a few months and hopefully this week I'll have my own website for my writing registered and set up! It's all a bit hush-hush and strictly on the qui vive but watch this space and I'll keep you informed of it's progress. The creative person desiging my website is going to be another Chris who likes to be called "Twig" - go to www.phluff.com to see Twig's design talent...
Back to myself, this post is really just to give an introduction about what I've written before and where I'm heading with my writing in the future. On the aforementioned website, there'll appear my complete and unabridged short story efforts since begining my writing life about 10 years ago, but if you can't wait that long, here's a couple of links to whet your appetite: